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Open Space Commission Minutes 07/08/2013

Friday, July 8, 2011

  • Call to Order/Welcome
Diana Johnson, Chairperson called to order the meeting at 8:30am.
Attending: Diana Johnson, Bruce Baratz, Marianne Gotfredson, Ted Kritisis, Peter Cable, George James and Amanda Blair.

  • Bruce Baratz seated as a full member.
3. New Business:
There will be a mid to end of September Dedication of the Ames Parcel. It will be on a Sunday afternoon at 4pm, date to be determined at the September meeting. Also to be determined at the September meeting is who to invite outside the Open Space/Land Trust/Conservation groups.

George James discussed the new Ames parcel, hiking trails, clearing of trails, recommendations by Steve Ames of any potential trails and locations of physical boundaries of the new parcel.
4.Old Business: Trail Book:
Peter Cable met the previous evening with the Conservation Commission and gave them a  presentation on the Trail Book Project. The Conservation Commission  informed Peter that they  commended the project but had no monies available and suggested that the Open Space Commission work on updating  the Website. They also suggested that we contact the Economic Development Commission for their input. Suggestions were made to contact State and Federal Governments for monies and to look for Grants to apply for. Discussion followed about the trail book and the consensus was to do a “trail run” on Champlain South, ask Lisa for a proposal and we should gather data, see about producing digital maps, write-up the trail with points of interest and see if we could put it on the current website.

Stewardship: George James is currently working on Champlain North and South. There was a discussion about the Open Space Management Plan, having an open forum and inviting people/commissions, etc to this forum. Names mentioned were Tom Worthley (UCONN), Juliana Barrett and Wendy Goodfried (Watch Rock).

Dogs: Marianne went to Hammonasset State Park to review their dog residue program. She will bring more information to the September Meeting.

5. Reports:

Diana walked Champlain North with Shannon Chapman, who has prepared a trail map for her Girl Scout Project in conjunction with Lymes Youth Services.
There is a sign needed at Hillside West.
Ted Kritisis spoke about the State of CT/Flat Rock Hill Road Bridge

6. Correspondence and Communications: None

7. Review of Minutes of 5/13/ and 6/10/11:
  Reviewed, motion made by Ted, seconded by Peter to accept the minutes. Motion approved by all.

8. Adjournment: Motion made by Marianne, seconded by Ted, approved by all. Adjourned
at 10:05 am.

Amanda Blair